Senior living communities offer a residential environment with various opportunities for residents to socialize and enjoy friendly camaraderie. The amenities in senior living communities, such as the dining rooms, common areas, card and game rooms are perfect places for socializing with friends. And the group parties, outings, large variety of planned activities and exercise programs provide ample opportunity to mix and mingle. Furthermore, living in close proximity to others who share similar life experiences makes for a multitude of informal opportunities to connect with others, develop meaningful relationships and just plain have fun!
Healthy Living
According to the MacArthur Foundation’s 10-year “Study of Aging in America,” older adults who have a great deal of social support are healthier, on average, than those who lack this type of support. That is to say, the more that older people participate in social relationships, the better their overall health becomes. And that is just what senior living fosters . . . think of it as preventive medicine for the mind, body and soul!