Signature Programs
Galewood residents lead the way!
Artists, musicians and athletes are among the many interesting and talented seniors who call Victory Centre of Galewood “home.” What sets Galewood apart from many senior living communities is the fact that these talented residents take an active role in their communities and use their life skills and knowledge to provide personal enrichment for others.
By sharing their passions and expertise, Victory Centre of Galewood residents not only benefit by staying intellectually sharp, making friends and experiencing a deep sense of purpose, they also fully engage in life and inspire others. It’s a natural exchange that fosters joy and self-fulfillment and provides the opportunity for residents to not only participate in the community, but to actually shape it, play a leadership role within it and fully contribute to it.
From resident-run exercise classes and Book Club, to a spiritual reflection small group and poetry club, Galewood residents lead the way!

Take for example Galewood’s ArtPath program where Lorraine, an accomplished artist and Victory Centre of Galewood resident, shares her passion by leading art classes for her neighbors. More than a gifted artist, Lorraine is also a patient and inspirational teacher who helps beginning and experienced artists-at-heart explore their creativity through sketching and painting.
Ace of Cakes

As a child, “Aunt Jo” as her friends and family call her, fondly remembers her mother bringing home chocolate covered cherries from her job as a Brach’s candy factory worker. Maybe that’s where she got her sweet tooth! Since then she’s refined her skills and is a sought-after baker (her tasty chocolate chip cookies and pecan crescents are favorites) who whips up some fun at her monthly “Baking with Joanne” cooking club.
Galewood Performing Arts
The arts are alive and well at Victory Centre of Galewood
The thespians who comprise the community’s drama group, The Galewood Players, meet weekly and perform monthly. There’s also the Galewood Mixed Choir that rehearses weekly and performs at various holiday events. And the resident-led Movie Club selects the nightly movie options that they watch, discuss and critique.
Never too Late to Learn
Trying new things can ignite passion and make you feel more alive, happy and self-fulfilled. Galewood residents are up for the challenge of going beyond their comfort zones and learning something new. Like Spanish . . . or English! Both classes are taught regularly at this bi-lingual, multi-cultural community. Others prefer to learn to communicate via the internet and take advantage of email and Facebook lessons, which are offered conveniently on-site in the community’s resource center.
There's no telling where life at Victory Centre of Galewood will take you! See for yourself by scheduling a tour today.